Friendly Health Educative Platforms
Group of Platforms that gives health education especially availing accessible adolescents sexual and reproductive health information and services with inclusion of adolescent with disabilities.

About Us
We have created social enterprise that we believe fulfills the promise of health information, supportive community, and in-depth reference education about healthcare that matters to you.
We are helping our community

UR Huye Campus Exhibition

Different types of Department
Sexual And Reproductive Health
We help youth and parents to know , understand and discuss about reproductive which is uncommon in our region – And will help to prevent unplanned pregnancy
Mental Health
We increase knowledge and awareness on mental health issues faced by youth to mitigate the stigma of seeking help
Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Area
We help society to know how Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major public health burden in population, and are the leading cause of death .
Health Tips and First AID
We help people to know basic skills About First Aid and Emergency, so that they may help in saving lives before people reaches to the hospitals. like in case of Traffic accidents, drowning Etc..

Results are based on the information you have provided and data from the publication below: Sarah Johnson, Lorrae Marriott & Michael Zinaman (2018): “Can apps and calendar methods predict ovulation with accuracy?”, Current Medical Research and Opinion, DOI:10.1080/03007995.2018.1475348